12/14/2024 Drone Sightings Explained and The Maine-iacs Return

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Drone Mystery Solved
Drones in the skies over the fruited plains? BJ has the answer this Saturday and you need not worry because what is happening is perfectly “natural” and far from unusual. Hint, the answer is simple when you really think about it. Plus our Last Call War correspondents continue to talk to our soldiers in the trenches who willingly engage the enemy on the battlefield. Wait, what war? Did Russia attack us or are we being invaded by the Chinese? Well, we are in a spiritual battle right now and the folks we talk with are on the battlefield, in position and at the ready! Amen?
Return of the MAINE-IACS
Speaking of soldiers, Last Call welcomes the return of the Jefff Harden and Clay Savage, the Maine-iacs who dare to engage the enemy in our government run indoctrination centers. They started just a couple of years ago but are on their way to a major victory for the children and families in Maine. Like we like to say folks . . . when we show up and are united in God's will we win, end of story.

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