A Tall Tale...or Mundi Authentica.... - Stolen History, Tartaria, Old World - Michelle Gibson

2 months ago

This video project is a collaborative effort between myself, Brother B, the Authentiq and Almost-Ancient Hermit of the Hills, also known as the Blackall Ranges in Queensland Australia, and his friend, 7-string master guitarist Paul B. Clement.

It is based on a manuscript Brother B sent me back in January of a tale he crafted last year for a friend who was troubled by recent and past events.

I read through it, and it made a considerable amount of sense to me.

I saved a copy of it and didn't look at it again for several months.

Then, just a short while ago, I re-read it, and it made even more sense to me than it did the first time I read it back in January because my research has led me to the same conclusions about what the Old World was really like and what has taken place here with the onset of the New World Order time-line we find ourselves living in.

So I sent him an email asking if it was okay for me to turn his tale into a video, and here we go:

A Tall Tale...or...Mundi Authentica....

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