I Know We'll moon

3 months ago

🧐 Doctor Sir Mister Man Boss 💪💪


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New Days Embrace Better ways

Make plays and pray for the gains

Outweighd all the risk

cos i racked on my brains

Sane still although

im goin mad in the craze

Evade shills

scams still

fill up my feeds

My Needs met

but my wants

are burried

but i water their seed

nearl every

pay day


i dont live for today

Future Saved

And after all the ups and downs

i know that we will all soon be free (yeah)

and after all the pump and dumps

I know that Ill still have a litle BTC Yea

So far from where weve come, i know well moon

I know well moon

I used to think it was impossible

to turn ahundred into a mill

Now i see tha

t it is possible

and you dont even need any skill

So stack your bags

and sell your apartment man

Its retarded How

Bullish I am

And Dont Give up

if your down from when started

Cos you know that Fiat

Is The real Scam

So Far From Weve come

I Know Well Moon

I Know Well Moon

To The moon and back

Well be breaking backs in caddalacs

Ill Be making raps

And stacking racks

Market Caps

Blowing up

To the max

Cant relax

On this upper

Feelin Paralax

Easy Macs in the cupboard

Gettin cheesy with my rhyms

It defies logic

Like A Man from harvard

That Thinks bitcoin is a bubble

So Sell your liver

make your HODL bag bigger

then find a place with no cap gains tax

Then You relax on the beach fully set now

But lockdowns come the try to force their Vax

So Far from where wever come,

I know Well Moon

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