My take on Notre Dame Cathedral Renovation: Absence of the Sacred. The 13th attacked that week

2 months ago

Notre Dame was the 13th Catholic monument to be set on fire that same week of April 2019.
St. Sulpice (day before), Chartres, Nantes, and many, many more destroyed, attacked or set on fire. Many others are set on fire in Canada. Check out on situation in your country because this news is hushed.

Notre Dame de Paris (12thc) Gothic Cathedral has been renovated severaal times. In the 19thc renovated by Eugene Viollet-Le-Duc. One of the current restorers is M. Baldett, a craftsman in metals, not an artist. Unable to 'read the room'.
#notredame, #notredamecathedral, #restorationnotredame, #churchesburning, #macron, #pavarottiavemaria,

Pavarotti: Ave Maria: • Luciano Pavarotti - Ave Maria (Schubert)

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