House of Doria Pamphilj-Landi (Doria Sachs, Sacchetti, Landi di Chiavenna, Agostinelli, Palermo)

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House of Doria Pamphilj-Landi (Doria Sachs, Sacchetti, Landi di Chiavenna, Oppenheimer, Carney, Boisi, Agostinelli, Palermo)

Southern Italy, Orsini Supporter

The House of Doria Pamphilj Landi (also called simply Doria Pamphilj) was a princely Roman family of Genoese extraction. Legend has it that the origins of the Doria family date from the early 11th century, but the authentic pedigree is traced to Ansaldo d’Oria, consul of Genoa in the 12th century. The descent of the several Doria family lines in Genoa is well-known and is described in Natale Battilana’s 19th-century genealogical study of old Genoese families.

The Doria Pamphili Landi princely family was a sub-branch of the Doria di Oneglia branch: in 1291, two Doria brothers bought the lordship of Oneglia, which was co-owned by their descendants until the late 15th century. Admiral Andrea Doria was descended from a Doria di Oneglia, Genoese soldier Aitone Doria (also called Antonio Doria), who fought for the French at the Battle of Crécy.

Famous members

Famous members include Andrea Doria and Cardinal Giovanni Battista Pamphilj, who rose to the Papacy as Pope Innocent X. The marquisate of Civiez and the county of Cavallamonte were conferred on the family in 1576, the duchy of Tursi in 1594, the principality of Avella in 1607, the duchy of Avigliano in 1613, and the principality of Meldola in 1671. In 1760, the title of Reichsfürst or prince of the Holy Roman Empire was added and attached to the lordship of Torriglia and the marquisate of Borgo San Stefano, together with the qualification of Hochgeboren. That same year, the Dorias inherited the fiefs and titles of the house of Pamphilj of Gubbio, patricians of Rome and Princes of San Martino and Valmontone. The name then became Doria Pamphilj. They had already incorporated by marriage the wealthy inheritance of the Landi family.

Last generations

Prince Filippo Andrea VI Doria Pamphilj, a staunch anti-Fascist, in 1944 became the first mayor of Rome following its liberation by the Allies (his father had been Senator of the newborn Kingdom of Italy in 1870).

Princess Orietta Doria Pamphili, Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (London, 22 April 1922 – Rome, 19 November 2000), 19th Princess of Melfi, Grandee of Spain First Class, 8th Princess of the Holy Roman Empire, 8th Princess of Santo Stefano d’Aveto and Torriglia, Princess of Valditaro, Valmontone and San Martino al Cimino, Roman Princess, 11th Duchess of Avigliano, Duchess of Montelanico, 15th Marchioness of Carrega, Croce in Val Trebbia, Ottone, Grondona, Vargo, Cremonte, Cabella and Fontana (Doria-Pamphili-Landi barony), Marchioness of Montecalvello and Cabella, Countess of Loano, Countess of Talamello, Baroness of Giffoni (Doria-Pamphili-Landi barony) and San Cipriano, Lady of Rovegno, Laccio, Monte Tanano, Bagnaria, Cariseto, Casanova sul Trebbia, Foreseto, Garbagna, Fontanarossa, Montebruno, Gremiasco, San Sebastiano Curone, Val di Curone and Montacuto, Turbigo, Lagopesole, Lacedonia, Forenza, Candela, San Fele, Rocchetta Sant’Antonio, Stellanello and of its Valley with Rossi, Duranti and San Vincenzo, Gorga, Lugnano, Grotte, Santo Stefano, Poggio, Alviano, Roccamassima, Colleferro, Anzio and Nettuno, Lady of Seguno Pozzuolo, Bucchio, Pondo, Pratolina, Spinello in Collina, Mortano Soasia, Vallenzera and Sassetta, Filetta and Castiglione dei Genovesi, Genoese Patrician, Noble of Viterbo, the last of the line, married Royal Navy Commander Frank George Wignall Pogson (Maidenhead, Berkshire, 6 September 1923 – Rome, 2 October 1998) in London on 6 August 1958. Prior to his marriage and in accordance with the express wishes of the late Prince Filippo Andrea VI Doria Pamphilj, he added “Doria Pamphilj” to his last name by deed poll.

After the reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, Princess Orietta and her husband, both Catholics, worked to promote better relations between faiths. In 2000, Queen Elizabeth II visited Rome and the Anglican Centre, which is housed in the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj.

Trump gave Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn the job as his top economic adviser. He also appointed Gary Cohn, COO of Goldman Sachs as SEC head. Steve Bannon worked for Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is being overseen by the Doria and Sacchetti banking families of Italy. Their combined names translated from Italian mean Gold Sachs. The Doria name derives from de Auria and Aureo or D'oro which are Italian words for gold. The Doria family started out as a banking family from Genoa. Marquis Marco Doria the Count of Montaldeo is a top member of the Doria family today and he was Mayor of Genoa from 2012 to 2017. The Sacchetti and Sachs name both mean bags or sacks. Italian nobility usually have the highest authority in society through Rome's network of power. Marquis Marcello Sacchetti was a merchant banker that was the treasurer of the Apostolic Chamber for the Vatican. The Doria family ruled in the Genoa Republic which was a major banking empire with its Bank of Saint George founded by the Grimaldis which are married with the Dorias with Doge Giovanni Doria of Genoa who was the son of Agostino Doria and Soprana Grimaldi. There are numerous Jesuit educated top executives working for Goldman Sachs as well as Vatican knights. Peter Oppenheimer is on the board of directors for Goldman Sachs and was Jesuit educated from Santa Clara University. Lakshmi Mittal is another member of Goldman Sachs board of directors and he was Jesuit educated from St. Xavier's College of Kolkata, India. Mark Carney is the Governor of the Bank of England and worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years. Mark Carney was Jesuit educated at St. Francis Xavier High School. Edward Gerald Corrigan was a former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, was Jesuit educated from Fordham University, and is currently managing director in the Office of the Chairman at Goldman Sachs and is Chairman for Goldman Sachs USA. Debora Spar was on the Board of Directors for Goldman Sachs and she went to Georgetown. Timothy O'Neill is a board director for Jesuit Georgetown and is the Global Co-Head of Investment Management Division at Goldman Sachs. Robert Agostinelli is an Italian-American billionaire and banker that worked as a senior partner for Goldman Sachs and later founded Rhone Group. Agostinelli was educated at the Roman Catholic St. John Fisher College and he is a top member of the Friends of Israel Initiative and also worked for Jacob Rothschild. Princess Marina of Savoy is from the Doria family branch called the Ricolfi-Doria family and she married Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy the current head of the Italian royal family. The Savoys live in Switzerland where banking is private. The name Savoy refers to savings. They accumulate wealth and save it in private Swiss accounts.  

John Rogers is the Executive Vice President, Chief of Staff and Secretary to the Board of Directors for Goldman Sachs and he is also Vice Chairman of the Board of the American Academy in Rome. The American Academy in Rome is located next to the Villa Doria-Pamphilj. The American Academy in Rome own the Villa Aurelia which was originally created by the Farnese family and they officially established the Jesuits under Alessandro Farnese. Aurelia is another Italian word for gold. The Roman born Mario Draghi who is President of the European Central bank, board member for the Bank for International Settlements, and member of the G30, was Jesuit educated from the Massimiliano Massimo Institute in Rome. Mario Draghi previously worked as vice chairman and managing director of Goldman Sachs International. Peter Sutherland was a Vatican Knight of the Order of St. Gregory, Jesuit educated from Gonzaga College, Bilderberg member, former Director for the Royal Bank of Scotland, and Director of the GAAT and he worked as non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International. Geoffrey Boisi is a Roman Knight of Malta, Jesuit educated from Boston College, member of the Trilateral Commission, Trustee for the Papal Foundation, and worked as a top executive for Goldman Sachs for decades as well as JP Morgan and Freddie Mac. Eileen Rominger was Jesuit educated from Fairfield University, Director of Investment Management at the United States Security and Exchange Commission, and she was the Global Chief Investment Officer of Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Michael Palermo is the son of the former New Jersey mob boss Vincent Palermo and Michael Palermo was Jesuit educated at Fordham and works for Goldman Sachs. The head of the Sacchetti family today is Prince Urbano Sacchetti of Rome along with Marquis Marcello Sacchetti, and Marchesa Giovanna Sacchetti. Daria Sacchetti is an investment banker that worked with Goldman Sachs for about 13 years. Pamela Sacchetti is an Equity Sales Trader at Goldman Sachs in Switzerland. Chris Sacca is an American billionaire with Calabrian ancestry and he was Jesuit educated at Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown which is the Order of Malta's covert US headquarters. Chris Sacca is a Knight of Malta and an agent of the Sacchettis. The head of the Doria family is Prince Jonathan Doria Pamphilj and Princess Gesine Doria Pamphilij who were adopted into the family so they work under Marquis Marco Doria and Princess Marina of Savoy. Prince Jonathan Doria-Pamphilj is also a major pedophile that molests little boys. Another official member of this family is the wealthy businessman and politician Joao Doria the current Governor of Sao Paulo in Brazil. The Doria family also married with the Landi family with the current Landi di Chiavenna family headed up by Giovanni "Giampaolo" Landi Di Chiavenna and his sons Ludovico and Manfredi. Ubertino Landi di Chiavenna is a private banker that has worked with the Swiss bank UBS. The Landi family also married with the Grimaldi family of Monaco. Antonio Zanardi Landi is an Italian ambassador to the Holy See and Order of Malta and his wife is Sabina Cornaggia Medici Castiglioni of the Medici banking family. Landi refers to land. Gold and silver are mined from land owned by rulers like princes and monarchs. Landowners are above bankers and employ them.

See image 1a

This is their crest.

See image 1

Count Giovanni Landi Di Chiavenna with his sons Ludovico and Manfredi. The Landi family are Italian nobles that merged a branch with the Dorias creating the Doria-Pamphilj-Landi family. Landowners and royals and nobles are above bankers because gold and resources are mined from the land before provided to bankers which operate as proxies for their investors.

See image 2

Prince Jonathan Doria-Pamphilj-Landi is an authority over Goldman Sachs and he finances pedophilia cults. Many high level executives at Goldman Sachs are Roman Catholic Jesuits. The Doria and Pamphilj families were popes for the Vatican.

Doria, originally de Auria (from de filiis Auriae), meaning "the sons of Auria", and then de Oria or d'Oria, is the name of an old and extremely wealthy Genoese family who played a major role in the history of the Republic of Genoa and in Italy, from the 12th century to the 16th century.

The Doria clan helped finance the Portuguese and Spanish navigations in the late 15th and 16th centuries. Francesco Doria, a banker at Seville, financed Christopher Columbus's expeditions, and his son Aleramo Doria was a banker to King John III of Portugal until 1556.

The House of Sacchetti is an Italian noble family originating in Tuscany whose earliest documented member Merlo lived during the late 10th and early 11th centuries.[1] The name of the family is derived from one or more members known as Sacchetto.

Marcello Sacchetti. His brother, Marcello had been named by Pope Urban VIII as the Depositary General and Secret Treasurer of the Apostolic Chamber, as well as assigning him the lucrative lease of the alum mines of Tolfa.

See image 3

Peter Oppenheimer was Jesuit educated at Santa Clara University and is on the Board of Directors for Goldman Sachs.

Peter Oppenheimer

Director Since: March 2014

Goldman Sachs Committees: Audit (Chair), Governance, Risk


Graduate of California Polytechnic State University and the Leavey School of Business, University of Santa Clara

See image 4

Lakshmi Mittal was Jesuit educated from St. Xavier's College of Kolkata, India and is on the Board of Directors for Goldman Sachs.

Lakshmi N. Mittal

Director Since: June 2008

Goldman Sachs Committees: Compensation, Governance, Public Responsibilities


Graduate of St. Xavier’s College in India

See image 5

Debora Spar was Jesuit educated from Georgetown and was on the Board of Directors for Goldman Sachs from 2011-2017.

The Board of Directors of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) today announced the election of Debora L. Spar as an independent director of the firm effective immediately.

Spar graduated magna cum laude in 1984 from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and earned her doctorate from Harvard University in government.

Spar also served as a member of the Board of Directors of American investment bank Goldman Sachs from June 2011 to April 2017.[8]

See image 6

Mark Carney

Governor, Bank of England

After a thirteen-year career with Goldman Sachs in its London, Tokyo, New York and Toronto offices, Mark Carney was appointed Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada

Mark Carney: From Edmonton Journal paperboy to Bank of England

From 1971 to 1983, he lived in the west-end neighbourhood of Laurier Heights, shovelling walks for spending money, delivering the Edmonton Journal and graduating from St. Francis Xavier high school before leaving town for Harvard University.

See image 7

Edward Gerald Corrigan

Edward Gerald Corrigan (born June 13, 1941 in Waterbury, Connecticut) is an American banker who was the seventh President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Vice-Chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee.[1] Corrigan is currently a partner and managing director in the Office of the Chairman at Goldman Sachs and was appointed chairman of GS Bank USA, the bank holding company of Goldman Sachs, in September 2008.[2] He is also a member of the Group of Thirty, an influential international body of leading financiers and academics.

Corrigan earned a bachelor's degree in economics from Fairfield University in 1963. He received a master's degree in 1965 and a Ph.D. in 1971, both in economics, from Fordham University.[2]

Fairfield University honored Corrigan in 1981 with an Alumni Professional Achievement Award. And in 2008, Corrigan donated $5 million to Fairfield to establish the E. Gerald Corrigan '63 Chair in the Humanities and Social Sciences and the Mary Hardy Corrigan Reading Room, named for Corrigan's mother and located on the second level of the DiMenna-Nyselius Library.[10]

In 2007, Corrigan donated $5 million to Fordham University to establish the Corrigan Chair in International Business and Finance at the Graduate School of Business Administration.[11]

See image 8

Geoffrey Boisi is a Knight of Malta and one of the most powerful bankers in the United States.

Geoffrey T. Boisi is chairman and CEO of Roundtable Investment Partners LLC, an independent private investment partnership providing strategic advice and planning, investment management, and merchant banking services for families of substantial wealth as well as select institutions generating high performance wealth creation and social legacy-building opportunities.

In 2003, Mr. Boisi retired as vice chairman of JPMorgan Chase, where he served as co-CEO of JPMorgan, the firm’s commercial and investment bank, and a member of JPMorgan Chase’s executive and management committees.

Mr. Boisi was a senior general partner of Goldman Sachs & Co. where he served as a member of the firm’s management committee and head of the global investment banking business, which included worldwide mergers and acquisitions, real estate, corporate finance, capital markets, and principal investment activities. In addition, Mr. Boisi held numerous other positions during his 22 years at Goldman Sachs

He is a trustee of the Saint Thomas More Chapel & Center at Yale University and a Knight of Malta.

Mr. Boisi has been the recipient of numerous awards including the Wharton School’s Joseph Wharton Award, The Presidents Medal for Excellence from Boston College

He has been honored by Pope John Paul II as a Steward of St. Peter.

Mr. Boisi has served as chairman of the board of trustees, Boston College, co-chair of the University’s capital campaign, and chair emeritus of the Boston College Wall Street Council; chairman of the graduate executive board, the Wharton School, and co-chair of its capital campaign; a trustee of the Brookings Institution

trustee of the Papal Foundation; member of the international advisory board of Grupo Santander (Spain); member of the investment banking committee, American Stock Exchange; member of the board of directors of Freddie Mac

member of the Trilateral Commission

See image 9

Timothy O'Neill is a board director for Jesuit Georgetown and a Goldman Sachs partner and top executive.

Timothy O’Neill is Global Co-Head of the Consumer and Investment Management Division (CIMD). He serves on the Management Committee.

He joined Goldman Sachs in 1985 and became a partner in 1990.

Mr. O’Neill serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Georgetown University

See image 10

John Rogers is a Roman agent and Executive Vice President of Goldman Sachs.

John Rogers serves as Executive Vice President, the firm’s Chief of Staff and Secretary to the Board of Directors.

He is also Chairman of the Goldman Sachs Foundation and Goldman Sachs Gives. Mr. Rogers joined Goldman Sachs in 1994. He was named Managing Director in 1997 and Partner in 2000.

Vice Chairman of the Board of the American Academy in Rome

Monteverde is an urban zone of the quarter Gianicolense in Rome, Italy. It is located just outside the Aurelian walls, south of the Janiculum hill and southeast of Trastevere.

The main attraction is Villa Doria Pamphili, which used to be private property of the Pamphili family, but is now a public park, the largest in Rome.

Monteverde is home to The American University of Rome[2] as well as the American Academy in Rome

The Villa Aurelia, originally built for Cardinal Girolamo Farnese around 1650, is the setting for conferences, public receptions, concerts, and other programs. It also includes apartments for the Academy's Residents and is surrounded by 3.8 acres of magnificent gardens.

Mrs. Heyland died, bequeathing the Villa to the American Academy in Rome.

Aurelia (also spelled Aurelía, Aurélia or Aurelija) is a feminine given name from the Latin family name Aurelius, which was derived from aureus meaning "golden"

See image 11

Robert Agostinelli and his wife Francesca. Agostinelli is a very high level Italian-American banker involved in money laundering and criminal financing. Agostinelli has worked for Rothschild bank and Goldman Sachs. Agostinelli was a co-founder of the Friends with Israel Initiative and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Robert Agostinelli is also close friends with George Walker Bush.

Robert Agostinelli

Founder and Managing Director, Rhone Group

2012 Billionaires NET WORTH $1B

Rochester, N.Y. native Robert Agostinelli earned his MBA at Columbia University before a stint at Rothschild. Joining Goldman Sachs in 1982, he contributed to the founding of the bank's international M&A business before departing the firm as a senior partner for Lazard in 1987.

Agostinelli is a supporter of numerous right-wing causes and a founding member of the Friends of Israel Initiative and the Council on Foreign Relations. He counts Nicolas Sarkozy, George Bush and José María Aznar as close friends.

See image 12

Vincent Palermo the former head of the DeCavalcante crime family in New Jersey. His son Michael Palermo was Jesuit educated at Fordham and worked at Goldman Sachs for a decade and he has infiltrated Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo for the mafia. His father Vincent Palermo is still a mobster and operates in Texas.

Vincent "Vinny Ocean" Palermo (born June 4, 1944) is a former Italian-American mobster who was de facto boss of the New Jersey DeCavalcante crime family before becoming a government witness. Fictional mob boss Tony Soprano, the protagonist of the HBO series The Sopranos, is said to be based upon Palermo.[1]

He also supports his second family, two daughters, Danielle and Tara, and a son Vincent Palermo Jr., with Michael (from his first marriage) and Renee. His son Michael is a graduate of Fordham University and a licensed New York stockbroker; he was an investment banker with Goldman Sachs up until his father's indictment, when he went into hiding.[3]

Michael Palermo


Vice President
Wells Fargo
February 2005 – Present 14 years 6 months

Section Manager
Goldman Sachs
December 1994 – January 2005 10 years 2 months


Fordham University
BA, Economics / Business Administration

See image 13

Count Marco Doria is an Italian noble, communist, and former Mayor of Genoa from 2012 to 2017.

Marco Doria (Genoa , 13 October 1957) is an Italian academic and politician, mayor of Genoa from 2012 to 2017 and of the metropolitan city from 2014 to 2017.

He enjoys the titles of Marquis, Patrizio Genovese and Conte di Montaldeo [5].

begun by the high school years as a member of the Italian Communist Youth Federation and then of the Italian Communist Party.

See image 14

Joao Doria is a Brazilian businessman and current Governor of Sao Paulo are Brazilian region with a high crime rate. Joao Doria is related to the Doria family of Genoa. Joao Doria is involved in human trafficking networks.

João Agripino da Costa Doria Júnior (born December 16, 1957) is a Brazilian politician, businessman and journalist who is the 37th and current Governor of São Paulo, in office since January 2019. He previously served as the 52nd Mayor of São Paulo[1]

João Agripino da Costa Doria Júnior was born in São Paulo, the son of federal deputy João Doria and Maria Sylvia Vieira de Moraes Dias, and a member of the affluent Doria family, which originated from Genoa.

See image 15

Princess Marina of Savoy is originally from the Ricolfi-Doria family and she married Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy the head of the Italian royal family which currently live in Switzerland and they oversee private Swiss bank accounts used for money laundering and criminal financing.

Consort of the pretender to the throne of Italy [1]
Princess of Naples
Duchess of Savoy [1]
Duchess of Sant'Anna di Valdieri
Marchesa Ricolfi Doria

Marina Doria, in full Marina Ricolfi Doria (Geneva , 12 February 1935), is a former Swiss nautical skier of Italian origins. She was world water skiing champion in 1955 and 1957 as well as winner of European and Swiss titles.

wife of Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia.

She is the daughter of René Italo Ricolfi Doria (1901-1970), a Swiss industrialist of Italian origin, and of Iris Amalia Benvenuti (1905-2004). The Ricolfi Doria family is originally from Genoa and owned a stately building in Novi Ligure. [2] The founder of the family was Giovanni Ricolfi, abbot, who, in the midst of the French revolution, had abandoned his sacred clothes to marry Geronima Angiola Maria Doria, daughter of Francesco Agostino Doria and Teresa Sauli, with a civil ceremony. Francesco Agostino Doria belonged to a cadet branch of the great Genoese family that separated at the end of the 12th century

See image 16

Marchesa Giovanna Sacchetti is a high level authority in Rome and a covert shareholder of Goldman Sachs.

2015 saw the launch of Anavio Capital Partners

The three founders, Daniel Horsley, Emiliano Leggieri (pictured) and Dario Sacchetti run the strategies from a single book

Sacchetti, had built a close relationship with Dan and Emiliano during his 14 years at Goldman Sachs, where he ran several groups within Investment Banking/Financing group divisions.

See image 17

Marquis Marcello Sacchetti on the left is a top international banking authority in Rome.

Pamela Sacchetti
Equity Sales Trader at Goldman Sachs
Zürich, Canton of Zürich, Switzerland

See image 18

Antonio Zanardi Landi works for the Italian government and is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta's Ambassador to the Holy See and Italian Ambassador to Moscow. Antonio Landi is a senior adviser at the Italian tire company Pirelli which has large operations in Russia. Prince Aimone of Savoy-Aosta is the head of Pirelli Russia and has lived in Russia and also met with Vladimir Putin. The Doria family merged with a branch of the Landi family. The Doria family ruled in the Republic of Genoa which had a close relationship with the House of Romanov and Russia through Genoa's territories in the Black Sea region.

Antonio Zanardi Landi (Udine , 24 May 1950) is an Italian diplomat.

In 1978 he began his diplomatic career and was assigned to the Ceremonial of the Republic . In 1981 he was assigned to the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 2000 he returned to the Ministry, in the Cabinet of the Minister, in charge of relations with the Parliament. In 2002 he was head of the Coordination Unit of the General Secretariat and in 2004 he was appointed Ambassador to Belgrade. In 2006 he was appointed Deputy Secretary General and in 2007 he was appointed Ambassador to the Holy See, also accredited by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Since December 2010 he has been Ambassador of Italy to Moscow, also accredited in Turkmenistan. Since September 2013 he is Diplomatic Advisor to the President of the Republic.

Since June 2015 he is Senior Advisor of Pirelli.

From 2 September 2016 he is Ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to the Holy See [1].

He is married to Sabina Cornaggia Medici Castiglioni and has three children: Pietro, Benedetta and Caterina.

The House of Doria-Pamphili-Landi (also called simply Doria-Pamphili) was a princely Roman family of Genoese extraction. Legend has it that the origins of the Doria family date from the early 11th century, but the authentic pedigree is traced to Ansaldo d'Oria, consul of Genoa in the 12th century. The descent of the several Doria family lines in Genoa is well-known and is described in Natale Battilana's 19th-century genealogical study of old Genoese families.

Famous members include Andrea Doria and Cardinal Giovanni Battista Pamphilj, who rose to the Papacy as Pope Innocent X.

They had already incorporated by marriage the wealthy inheritance of the Landi family.

See image 19

Ubertino Landi di Chiavenna is a private banker that works with UBS in Italy.

See image 20

Count Giovanni "Giampaolo" Landi Di Chiavenna and his sons Ludovico and Manfredi.

The Landi were a noble family from Piacenza, in northern Italy. From 1551 to 1582, they were princes of the Val di Taro, now in the province of Parma, at that time in papal territory.[1]


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