Reject: A Super Superhero Story (part 48)

2 months ago

Reject: A Super Superhero Story (part 48)
*It isn't just the fact that the Caretakers are already upset that DirLan turned them down on their plea to convince her father that Leviathan was waking. It isn't even the trash Reject threw into their ocean. No, once the Caretakers rise from the depths it's the fact that Reject is on the island that upsets them the most. There is a reason that the island, known by the people of Merr only as the Outpost, has been uninhabited and unknown even though it does lie rather close to Hawaii. The Outpost was something left behind Kane Allura, the one part of the great land of Merr he didn't sink into the ocean to hide from the rest of the world. The Outpost was supposed to be where Merr rose again, the spot that would be used by Kane to reveal Merr but only after Merr deemed humanity finally worthy to approach, and it has been kept hidden by Kane...through Merrs technology but also through the Eternal Flame still held by Break...until that day. So when the Caretakers find just some drunk green man there it is such a great affront to what their King had planned that they immediately attack. They don't even ask how Reject found the Outpost they rush him, Reject so drunk he first only laughs and runs away as if those men are too hilarious to believe a threat. But when one of the Caretakers breaks the final bottle Reject holds he turns and fights. He begins to hurt them all so bad it brings DirLan up to protect her people. She begins to fight Reject as well [AI Art]*

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