Healing, Wellbeing and Wholeness

1 month ago

Single Video version of the Healing Series. The contents below are abridged, see the individual episodes for full contents.

00:00:00 Part 1 - Introduction and General Discussion: https://youtu.be/svAqgiFDhWQ
00:54:20 Part 2 - The positive presentation: Healing as a covenant right: https://youtu.be/6FjcQf3Gdfo
02:24:00 Part 3 - The negative presentation: Why am I not healed?: https://youtu.be/Edl5BtzNtac

Part 1

00:00:00 Motivation for this series - Healing and Wellbeing

00:01:25 https://planetmacneil.org/blog/healing/
00:05:10 The core human need
00:05:30 National Insurance
00:09:02 The Christian context
00:10:30 Possible but not likely vs A Law of Healing
00:12:06 A Healing Gift?
00:13:26 The problem of the exception
00:16:16 Miracles vs Healing vs Wellness
00:17:32 The reality of curses
00:21:29 The Bible and Jesus as God's expression of love for the world
00:22:00 Sozo (Gr) and Shalom (Heb)
00:23:12 This life as preview to eternity
00:25:13 Meditation and mindfulness
00:29:11 The integrated whole - recollection and reintegration
00:31:25 The Healing toolbox
00:32:24 Healing for believers and unbelievers
00:34:00 Miraculous healing
00:35:15 The ministry gift of miracles
00:40:37 The promises of God in the scriptures as the connectors to God's Healing power
00:42:44 Do you want to be well?
00:44:17 Our infirmities as pets
00:48:36 Who touched me?
00:49:15 Healing, Wholeness and Staying Healed
00:52:00 Lifestyle adjustments

Part 2 - The Positive Presentation
00:00:00 Healing in the different Churches
00:04:36 The place of the medical profession
00:05:42 The pharmacological model of Humanity
00:08:32 Healing as a covenant promises
00:10:28 Sealed with the blood of Jesus
00:11:00 Scriptures as covenant declarations and promises
00:12:39 The difference between the covenants
00:15:28 The removal of the wall of separation
00:18:00 Healing scriptures as contractual commitments
00:18:50 The Holy Spirit as legal advocate
00:24:30 Corporate and individual dimensions
00:26:00 Growing up spiritually
00:28:52 Gal 3:13 - breaking curses
00:32:50 Hereditary curses - the example of Freemasonry
00:35:17 Redemption
00:36:14 Exodus 15:26 - the LORD who is healing in Himself
00:40:03 The power of singing in tongues
00:41:00 The power of Encounter
00:41:30 Shalom and sozo - wholeness
00:43:25 Psalm 91 - protection from plague, diseases
00:44:27 Protection from witchcraft and satanism
00:46:26 Protection from demons
00:47:39 Psychosomatic illness
00:55:12 Dwelling in the shadow of the Almighty
00:56:29 Psalm 23 - mental, emotional and soul healing
00:58:10 'Desires of our hearts'
00:59:35 The God who radiates peace
00:59:55 Ps 103,1-6
01:00:13 The power of forgivenesss
01:02:30 Dealing with regret
01:04:25 The Lord's Prayer
01:05:25 Renewing your youth
01:06:32 Changing your lifestyle to live longer
01:10:24 Isaiah 53 - by His bruises and stripes we are healed
01:12:51 Physical and spiritual healing
01:15:46 Matthew chs. 8-9: the Jewish fufilment
01:22:10 Gal 3:13, Romans 8:11 - worked example
01:25:00 John 10:10 - the antidote to Satan's mission

Part 3 - Why am I not healed?
00:00:00 The challenge of negative experience
00:02:17 The 'Healing Ministry' and 'Gifts of Healings'
00:05:40 Learning from a practitioner
00:08:20 Zeal with knowledge
00:09:50 Overcoming discouragement
00:13:26 The exception is not the rule
00:20:21 Healing requiring deliverance
00:21:34 The failure of our faith
00:23:39 Prayer for deliverance
00:24:31 Repentence first
00:28:04 Decompartmentalise your life
00:29:26 Staying well
00:36:24 Healing and Miracles are different
00:41:53 God deals with us as individuals
00:46:01 Get beyond the gossip
00:48:47 The corporate environment of faith
00:53:00 Faith - the connector to the power of Jesus
00:53:15 The power of agreement
00:55:50 The example of Job
00:58:00 https://planetmacneil.org/blog/macneils-guide-for-the-spiritually-perplexed/
01:00:55 Closing prayers
01:03:00 Postscript: Healing as common grace vs covenant healing
01:07:00 Take your opportunities

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