Romans 13 - Complete

2 months ago

This is the entire Romans-13 series in a single video for convenience.

Part 1: Context I
00:00:00 Preamble
00:02:00 The Locus Classicus - Romans 13:1-7
00:03:33 The surface reading - unconditional obedience to the State
00:04:30 Monarchs and the Pope - the Divine Right of Kings
00:17:50 The importance of Romans 13 in our contemporary context
00:19:38 The imperative for civil resistance and disobedience
00:20:12 Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones' as exegete and expositor
00:22:22 DMLJ's commentary on the Romans
00:24:44 The Christian as revolutionary
00:25:48 Catholic and Protestant hegemonies
00:26:41 Roger Williams' contribution to religious freedom

Part 2: Context II
00:00:00 DMLJ on Romans 13 (300 pages), Romans 8 (500 pages)
00:01:54 History of the Problem - the Munster rebellion
00:02:38 Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, the Anabaptists
00:03:54 Protosocialism, Mennonites, Amish
00:18:10 Genres of biblical literature
00:22:35 The Septuagint and Masoretic Texts
00:23:30 Ceremonial and contemporary language
00:25:00 The human history of the scriptures

Part 3: the criteria for the legitimate State and the legitimate Ruler
00:00:30 Romans 13, 1-7
00:05:33 A strange intrusion?
00:06:24 The problem of the Jew and Gentile
00:08:16 People getting on with one another in society
00:09:06 "The Authorities" and conflicts with, in Acts and the Gospels
00:12:30 Authority and government as God's initiative
00:14:15 'Being subject' does not mean simply 'to obey'
00:17:41 Reorientating our attitude to authority - 1 Tim 2
00:18:40 Interceding for the Authorities
00:21:31 The legimitate coercive function of the State
00:24:30 The distinction between the office and the individual ruler
00:29:45 The criteria for the ruler
00:37:00 The negative function of the State
00:38:51 The positive function of the State
00:39:51 The proper limits of the State
00:44:00 The proper limits of the State - justice and borders
00:45:11 Dysfunctional States
00:46:00 The State as the means of social peace
00:47:00 Capital punishment
00:50:00 Resisting tyranny - the conflicts of Paul with tyrannical and unjust States
00:57:39 Your response to the decay of a State - the record of Acts
00:58:00 Paul's response to the illegitimate use of State authority
01:04:37 Judean rulers failed the Romans 13 test
01:06:41 King Agrippa passing the Romans 13 test
01:09:40 The distinction between the office and the individual ruler

Romans 13 - Part 4: The application in the real world
00:01:00 The limits of resistance in response to tyranny
00:15:00 Weak, passive resistance?
00:16:23 The Christian revolutionary
00:18:49 The qualification - levels of resistance
00:20:00 Issues of religious liberty
00:26:00 Evicting a rotten State
00:27:38 Representational government in scripture
00:32:15 The privilege of suffrage
00:33:00 The quiet and peaceable life
00:36:50 The critical theorists as neo-marxists
00:40:57 What do we mean by a 'Christian nation'?
00:43:16 Transformation of a nation
00:47:25 The parable of the leaven
00:49:27 The Dispensationalist
00:58:00 The requirement for continuous revival
00:59:40 Defending Postmillennialism
01:03:52 Our natural relations
01:05:00 The relation of the individual Christian to the State and the Church to the State
01:13:47 The breakdown of the Judeo-Christian consensus
01:15:00 The Christian political party
01:19:00 The role of Christian professional societies
01:26:40 The Dominion Mandate
01:29:30 Constantine and the Rise of the Papacy.

Part 5 - The Relationship of Church and State
00:00:30 Constantine - the priority of State over Church
00:00:50 The papacy - the priority of Church over State
00:01:20 Luther - the distinction between Church and State
00:03:00 The Radical Reformation
00:04:30 Calvin in Geneva
00:05:34 The Anabaptist problem
00:09:00 The practical problem of Church-State fusion
00:12:00 The monarch as the head of the Church
00:12:55 Bloody Mary
00:16:30 The Puritans and the Presbyterians
00:20:00 The problem of the magistrate
00:21:22 The crisis of Scots' presybyterianism with Charles II
00:22:30 The rise of Separatism and Non-Conformism
00:24:26 The complete separation of Church and State
00:25:44 The religious pluralism of Roger Williams
00:32:00 Sphere sovereignty - limiting the power of the State
00:44:10 Freedom of Speech as the primary right of citizens
00:47:13 The government is not the source of our Rights

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