Zimbabwe Senate Approves Legislation to Abolish Death Penalty | Firstpost Africa

2 months ago

Zimbabwe Senate Approves Legislation to Abolish Death Penalty | Firstpost Africa

The South African nation of Zimbabwe is set to abolish the death penalty, a punishment that the country has not executed in nearly two decades. The Zimbabwean Senate has approved legislation to abolish capital punishment. The bill against the British colonial-era rule was introduced in the national assembly last year. It will now be presented to the country’s president Emmerson Mnangagwa to be signed into law. President Mnangagwa is a vocal critic of capital punishment. He uses his own experience to voice concerns over the brutal sentencing. He was sentenced to death during the independence war in the 1960s. His sentence was later commuted to ten years in prison. Mnangagwa has used his power to grant amnesties to those facing capital punishments, commuting them into life sentences. Zimbabwe last used hanging as an execution method in 2005. 


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