12/13/24 card: vulnerability

2 months ago

Eek…just the word vulnerability makes me feel all types of ways. The definition of vulnerability is “the quality of being easily hurt or attacked.” The idea is you expose your authentic self in the spirit of honesty and openness, while accepting the risk that you could end up hurt. Why would we do this? Because it brings us closer to others and facing fears builds confidence.

Today’s journal prompt: how do I rate myself on the vulnerability scale where 1 is “no way” and 10 is “all the time”?

#vulnerability #bevulnerable #putyourselfoutthere #taketherisk #oraclecards #spirituality #selfawareness #journaling #journalprompt #growth #12steps

I use oracle cards as journal prompts and for daily reflection to guide spiritual growth and self-awareness.

Follow me on Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube, TikTok, and Rumble: @planetbuchanan. Or visit my website: planetbuchanan.com

Blessings. ❤️

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