Today’s Pop Music | The Old Demoralizing The Young

2 months ago

I have started a new channel to help get myself out of the youTube purgatory that all channels in this community have been in since 2016 or so. I would kindly request you subscribe to me there. The new channel will continue the work I am doing here. Once it gains traction, I will be retiring my efforts on this channel:


Video Description

It’s not the kids who have the millions to record these degenerate songs and music videos.

This is not an old man yells at cloud video. The thesis of this video is not defending the superiority of old music over new music. This video is an exposition on how the powers that be have, like in ancient China, and continue to use music as a tool of mass manipulation. Some of this manipulation is banal and boring such as discouraging shoplifting to far more sinister aims, such as a push towards nihilism and moral decay. We cover the mafias control of the music business, to government meddling and of course Muzak.

By watching you will encounter a great deal of ideas odds are good you have never encountered before as to music, the music business, and music history.

The two videos shown in this video are:


#music #muzak #popular #pop #pdiddy #justinbieber #bieber #philosophy #plato #mob

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