7 Proofs of a Pretribulational Rapture

2 months ago

In recent times, many false assertions have been made against the doctrine of the pretribulational Rapture of the Church (the belief that the supernatural "catching away" of the Church takes place prior to the Tribulation, or the final seven years that are characterized by God’s eschatological wrath). In previous videos, we've addressed and refuted some of these common attacks. However, it is even more important to look into the Bible itself and understand why so many believers in Jesus are convinced that the pretrib. Rapture is absolutely a sound Biblical teaching. In this video, we will do exactly that. We believe that there is more than enough evidence in scripture to form a strong opinion on this issue and to rest in complete assurance that it is a Biblical truth. We will offer seven convincing proofs of the pretribulational timing of the Rapture.

*Source Article on LetUsReason.com:*


*My Books Available on Amazon:*
❖ _The Missing Key in Dispensational Eschatology_ ▶ https://a.co/d/dcAyzNt
❖ _The Book of Revelation - A Study Guide_ ▶ https://a.co/d/6BOeUE3

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