Every Single Person MUST Watch This Video!

2 months ago

YouTube Channel: YinkaThatGuy

A great YouTube channel, go give him a like.

A great video that showcases the absolute insanity of the woke liberal far left. These people are either demonically possessed, or they have a severe mental illness, or they are top of the range narcissists.

What is coming, soon, will absolutely destroy these woke people unless they get their act together. What they don't get is the MAGA movement (and it's worldwide support) is that it is fully inclusive and MAGA has a large following of various sexualities, including TV and TS; the difference is those in the MAGA movement do not keep harping on about it and they are realistic with it. Acceptance of LGBT was available long before 2020, respect has to be earned, respect comes when people are realistic and honest; respect cannot be demanded by screaming and violence. Perhaps if the Trump haters would do less screaming and more listening then perhaps they will start to understand what's really been going on in the world the past 9 years (and much longer).

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