brain washing our kids to be communist

2 months ago

brain washing our kids to be communist

President Bush is a rhino for the one world order, watch his speeches.
In April 1991, President Bush brought forward his master plan, AMERICA 2000: An Education Strategy. “The strategy,” according to the report’s introduction, “anticipates major change in our public and private schools, change in every American community, change in every American home, change in our attitudes about learning.” President Bush called for a “revolution” in education and for Americans to become “revolutionaries.”

Bush sounds good but he is mind-brain-washing our children to accept communism and the one world order.

Bush was a rhino, one world order. brain washing children in schools as he seems good for all. His father Bush Sr. took part in the killing of JFK, that is why Watergate happened, they tried to get those photographs of Bush being there the day JFK was shot.

He constantly says one world order, a new world order. in his speeches.
schools turn out quotas of semi-literate workers who can be trained to perform menial tasks under supervision in order to serve the demands of the global economy. neither will they be mentally or morally equipped to challenge the oppressive authority of the elitists. A cardinal feature of all these totalitarian regimes is a demonic zeal to destroy parental influence over, and eradicate any transmission of parental values to, children.

Professor John Goodlad, in the 1970 federal “Report of the President’s Commission on School Finance,” in which Goodlad declared that “most youth still hold the same values as their parents and if we don’t resocialize, our system will decay.” In a speech to a 1975 educators conference sponsored by the New York State Education Department, Rand’s Dr. R. Gary Bridge complained, “When the kids come to us at age four, five, or six, they already have these beliefs set. We have to unwind them and start over, and even then, we get them only a few hours a day.” As we shall see, the OBE behavioral engineers have plans to change that. “Traditional” OBE utilizes a school’s existing curriculum but imposes OBE exit outcomes in place of traditional objectives. “Transformational,” or full-blown OBE involves complete, radical restructuring of school and society.

They gave our kids a brain-washing education to make them communist. They are breaking parental ties, so they can brain-wash all students into a one world government, ran by them.

Brain wash kids from youth to accept communism, President Bush was a rhino, one world order. The CIA democrat-rhinos want a one world order and give the UN rule over America. That is why they have USA military in all nations, so the democrats can rule the world for the devil and put the mark of the beast inside your blood and DNA with nanobots. They pass education

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