Michigan, ever wonder what a Democrat lame-duck session is like?

2 months ago

Yesterday Senator Damoose attempted to ask, in a respectful tone, a reasonable question in committee about a bill as part of his due diligence.
Instead of receiving a proper response, Senator Polhanki blasted and buffaloed rudely into him for having the temerity to ask questions.
She ripped into him, declaring:

“If you need advance notice of (what’s in a bill), I would ask, what is wrong with you?”

Polehanki followed up by bellowing down all of Damoose’s questions, interrupting him repeatedly, scolding him that he may not speak, and gaveling him down in the most dismissive and disrespectful manner imaginable.
Unfortunately, this isn’t an isolated incident. I’ve personally been silenced with the gavel more times than I can count while trying to ask questions or make short comments.
Michigan, now you get to witness an insiders firsthand look at how the democrats operate the legislative process. How the process of passing bills to governing all of you has devolved into an assembly line of chaos.
Hundreds and hundreds of bills rammed and slammed through the legislature; rushed without scrutiny, or a thought of unintended consequences, only to finally unleash the final havoc and destruction across every corner of the state.

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