Australia's Senator M Roberts-Calls Out Evil Carbon Credits System- Conspiracy No More

2 months ago

Important viewing for those in the UK Australia and Europe
The UK recently completed a trial of a carbon credit system that sets a daily allowance for each person—in effect, a limit on your ability to purchase food, clothing, goods, and travel as you have always done.
The limit has been set at 20kg of carbon emissions per day, with food restricted to 2600g. Food manufacturers are cooperating by adding a carbon statement on their packaging to inform consumers how much of their allowance each product consumes.
For example, a packet of cheese accounts for 1100g—almost half of your daily carbon allowance.
Different foods have varying carbon rates. Root vegetables like potatoes and carrots are relatively low, while red meat incurs the highest charge – so high, in fact, that if you were to spend your entire daily food carbon allowance on red meat, it would buy you 30g of steak—just one mouthful. You may recall I mentioned this in a speech some time ago and was fact-checked. Well, fact-check this!
Net zero is supported by the Liberal Party, the Labor Party, and the Nationals. Only One Nation stands firm in defending our agricultural sector from this insane push to control the food supply and hollow out the bush.

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