You Decorated My Life - Kenny Rogers, chord diagram

2 months ago

"You Decorated My Life" is a song written by Debbie Hupp and Bob Morrison, and recorded by American country music artist Kenny Rogers. It was released in September 1979 as the lead single from his album Kenny. It was a number-one hit on the Billboard Country Singles chart, and peaked at number seven on the Billboard Hot 100.
The key is G major. In the chorus, I used chords such as G5 and Dadd11/G to imitate the chorus sound with guitar accompaniment to make it sound similar.
#kennyrogers #youdecoratedmylife #guitarcover #chord #guitar #shrek #moonhongkim

케니 로저스의 곡 중 You decorated my life라는 곡입니다. 쉬운 코드 진행이지만 verse 부분은 G 베이스가 유지되는 특징에 유념해야 하고, 후렴 부분 코러스 보컬 사운드 효과를 흉내내려고 G5, Dadd11/G 같은 코드를 사용했습니다.

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