Enchanted Prince: Magical Quest for Love & Courage | The Singing, Soaring LarkFairy Tale Adventure

1 month ago

In "The Singing, Soaring Lark," a father promises his youngest daughter a lark but instead makes a pact with a lion, who ultimately turns out to be an enchanted prince. The daughter bravely fulfills her father's promise and marries the lion, who transforms into a handsome man by night. When the daughter visits her family for her sisters' weddings, she is warned that her husband could be cursed if exposed to light. Despite her precautions, he is turned into a dove, and she embarks on a quest to find him, seeking help from the sun, moon, and winds. The south wind guides her to the Red Sea, where she helps the prince defeat a dragon and regain his human form. However, he is soon enchanted again by a rival princess, prompting her to try to reclaim him through magical items and cunning. After multiple attempts to get the prince to recognize her, she succeeds when he awakens from a spell, and together they escape on a griffin, returning home to their child and living happily ever after.

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