Lou Holtz Podcast | Matt Whitaker on Restoring America’s Core Values #shorts

2 months ago

What’s the key to reviving America?

Coach Lou Holtz and Matt Whitaker say it starts with faith and family. A strong nuclear family and a foundation of faith can restore the culture we’ve lost. 💭🇺🇸

Watch the full episode for more inspiring ideas: https://rumble.com/v5ylvsq-the-lou-holtz-show-ep-22-matthew-whitaker-on-justice-leadership-and-america.html?mref=irvwz&mc=mfq8w

Coach Lou Holtz
What do you believe we need to do to restore the culture of this country? Because we've lost a third, no doubt by mind about that.

Matt Whitaker
Well, I think it starts with family. And I know you're you don't believe in this as well. But, you know, until we have a kind of more, you know, sort of nuclear families, moms, dads, children raised up in that loving family. I think, you know, we got to get back to that is the core, the nucleus, the most important, you know, sort of body within community.

I think, again, faith is so important. We need more believers, more church goers. People that are, you know, again, live by creeds and and their faith.

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