Canine Friends Attack A Water Hose

6 years ago

Oh, our precious canine friend. Not a day goes by that they do not make us laugh out loud! They are so loving, caring and at times, so hilarious! Even when they do not know it, they make us laugh. For example, I've seen so many videos of them sleeping and snoring, and I would laugh out loud every time. See? They do not even realize how happy they make us daily! And that's why they deserve all the love in the world. The adorable two canine friends in this video are awake for their performance, and today they will show us a trick with a water hose. While their hooman friend is watering the yard, the two canine friends are jumping and attacking the water hose. LOL! Well, not actually the water hose, but the water coming out of it. It' such a hilarious sight, and you absolutely have to check it out.

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