Have You Been Left Behind? Pastor Vernon Billings

2 months ago

Living Truth Radio holds to a literal, historical grammatical hermeneutic (interpretation of Scripture). We also hold to a literal pretribulation catching away of the Church (Rapture) and a literal 1,000-year reign of Christ on Earth eschatology. We understand that not all Christians agree on the differing eschatological views which is why we plan on doing a series explaining the different views in depth particularly as it pertains to the rapture and the return of Christ, we hope you will join us for that.

We should all KNOW why we believe what we believe, don't you agree?

In the meantime this short video by Pastor Vernon Billings of the New Hope Village Church in Illinois USA is primarily for those left behind on the Earth after Christ returns for His Bride the Church catching her up into the clouds, an expected event known as 'The Rapture' or the 'Catching Away' as mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and elsewhere in the Scriptures.

Make sure your unbelieving family and friends have access to this video so they can navigate the horrific days that lay ahead of them. This was originally recorded in VHS, I cleaned up the audio somewhat because it had audio hum from the VHS recorder and enhanced the video a little because the original was quite washed out and blurry.

CREDITS: Pastor Vernon Billings and the New Hope Village Church, Illinois, USA

From the VHS Case:

"If You've Been Left Behind... No Doubt, you are terrified. Millions around the globe have disappeared. You have lost loved ones and friends. You desperately need answers, comfort, hope.

We recorded this video in anticipation of the cataclysmic events you now face. Play the tape. Listen to the words of those who knew what was coming. The answers are here - what is really happening, why so many people have vanished, why you have been left behind.

The world is in chaos and will be for a time. Take heart. Bad as things are, there is hope. Listen, watch... and discover the truth" 1999. Recorded with an EasyCap, a Toshiba VCR, and OBS. Found in a Value Village somewhere.

Uploaded for curiosity and preservations sake.

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