1 month ago

Dark force entities and demons are all around us. In fact, there are more demons than humans on Earth. These entities are energetic, not physical, and cannot be seen with the naked eye unless you are clairvoyant. They possess consciousness, similar to humans, and vary in intelligence from highly advanced to very low IQ. Their mission is to dominate and eliminate humanity, and control the planet.

As beings of energy, they can create portals and entry points into our bodies by manipulating the electromagnetic energy of electronic devices such as cell phones and computers, or even through fear-inducing movies that we watch.

This video is a recording of an entity removal session I conducted for Elizabeth Evans, a girl living in Australia. During the session, the demon revealed how it entered her body through her ear when she placed her cell phone on it. It also shared insights on how humans can protect themselves from such invasions. This video is shared with permission from Elizabeth, who can be contacted at

For more information about dark force entities and how to remove them, please visit

I hope you find this video insightful and empowering!

Robin Rais

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