Lead Us Not Into Temptation 2 - Defending the Faith

3 months ago

God will tempt nobody to evil. He will lead us to places of testing just as when the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tested of Satan. The enemies of God don't seem to understand these things and claim that this is a contradiction in the Bible. We deny this and defeat the atheists and anti-Christs easily and in the process we discover more about the Lord's prayer.

Atheists often point to Abraham and Isaac of a classic example of how God leads people into immoral acts but this is easy to defeat. God knew Abraham was not going to kill Issac. It was common for Pagans to kill their first born but God wanted to test Abraham to see if he would be obedient to Him. He knew what would happen and stopped the killing as He knew He would so nothing immoral was done, nobody was tempted to carry out an evil, and Abraham became chosen after having passed a test. Atheists want you to believe that God was condoning murder but nobody died and God knew nobody would die.

"Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man" - James 1:13

lyingforjesus.org states "And Jesus says we should pray that God will not tempt us. (Which wouldn't be necessary if God never tempts anyone.)" in Matthew 6:13 but this is false and dishonest. We do not pray that God will not tempt us, the actual verse says "lead us not into temptation". In other words we are asking to be spared being led into places where something or some being might be able to temp us. God himself will not tempt us.

#defeatingdarkness #overcomingthebeast #supernaturalwarfare

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