Ruchi Interview #4 One Brave Young Gentleman

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This young is simply beautiful. You could build a better country on his courage and values. But what sort of country does he want to live in?

Since Covid appears to have washed away our identity, the question is. . .
Who are we now?
Interview 01
of Cafe Locked Out's new tour.
Ruchi, 1312.24. Castlemaine Victoria.
Theme of the search.
Who are we now?
Why do we feel so powerless,
so worthless,
when we are constructed of so many miracles that we
are the rarest of beings,
the children of the impossibility?
These above emotions are a choice.
Your choice,
or coerced mainly by the true navigator who guides you, fear.
Fear, who has washed away our identity.
Fear, who saw us sacrifice all those who had sacrificed their lives for us.
Fear, that saw family cast out family.
Fear, that had finally defeated Love.
Where are you going?
Is it in the same direction your heart wants to go?
If not, why are you going that way?
close your eyes and remember,
deeper than your memories.
Be humble as you recall how valuable you are,
how powerful,
how integral one moment of your courage might be.
Just one.
Humanity is under attack,
and the Meek can’t save us.
Michael Gray Griffith
Cafe Locked Out

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