
3 months ago

OK, so THIS is what I have been trying to say without saying it because it sounds soooo crazy! As you know, I believe we have multiple Trumps. The main point is we have NOT seen the REAL DJT since they were on the tarmac in 2020 leaving after "losing" the election.

The governments of France and Germany have both collapsed this past month.

Two of the biggest economies in Europe.


Under a new financial stability tool, the Bank of England will hide the identities of any pension funds, insurers, or hedge funds bailed out.

Just wild.


Operation Hammer 👉 Renegade (Obummer) eliminates SEAL Team 6 - On a moonless night, an Army Chinook helicopter swept low over the Tangi Valley, a strip of forbidding terrain in eastern Afghanistan teeming with Taliban and located just 35 miles south of Kabul.

Among the 38 occupants inside the Chinook were some of the most highly trained and battle-seasoned fighters in the U.S. military, including 15 commandos from the Navy’s SEAL Team 6, the unit that three months earlier had killed Osama bin Laden. Their target was a Taliban commander responsible for ambushes and other attacks against U.S. and Afghan forces. https://taskandpurpose.com/history/extortion-17-deadliest-day-afghanistan/

GITMO is on the site of a former YMCA...


Every time Trump played this song and danced this dance, he was taunting the Deep State.


Die Regierungen Frankreichs und Deutschlands sind im vergangenen Monat beide zusammengebrochen.

Zwei der größten Volkswirtschaften Europas.


Im Rahmen eines neuen Instruments zur Stärkung der Finanzstabilität will die Bank of England die Identität aller geretteten Pensionsfonds, Versicherer und Hedgefonds geheim halten.

Einfach wild.


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