BZ's Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, 12.12.24, w/JEREMY HANSON & RICK ROBINSON On Podcasting

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On BZ's Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show:

It's Jeremy Hanson of the Unleashed Jeremy Hanson Podcast in the Saloon, along with Rick Robinson of KLRNRadio, as JEREMY, RICK, and BZ talk about the plight of Conservative broadcasts and podcasts, the throttling of information on most every level, the role of social media in said throttling, the abject manipulation of algorithms AGAINST Conservatives, and the future of podcasting.

Is terrestrial radio dead? Is podcasting dead? Is video podcasting dead? What about audio podcasting? What about live shows? What about national shows and syndication? What about local information and orientations?

Starting at 11PM Eastern, 10PM Central, 8PM Pacific, on select and exclusive Tuesday and Thursday nights, you can watch on the SHR Media YouTube channel, KLRN, @KLRNRadio, X @BZsSaloon, @2againsttyranny, Twitch, and the SHR Media Rumble channel:

Grab your favorite adult beverage, relax, watch, and jump into our plush, sumptuous, palatial, and resplendent chat room on both YouTube and Rumble!

For the best in late night Conservatarian talk radio, you're invited into the Saloon -- where the speech is free, but the booze is not!

- Jeremy Hanson Podcast:

- Rick Robinson/KLRN Radio:

- KLRNRadio on X/Twitter:

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