TvNI = Truth vs. NEW$ INC. Dec. 9, 1st hr. U.S., Syria, serious statuses

2 months ago

Truth vs. NEW$ 1 (9 December 2024) witn Don Grahn, Victor-Hugo Vaca, and Brian Davidson.
We begin with a new report from Michael Flynn that WWIII has already begun, which Victor-Hugo found unpersuasive on the basis of his take on Flynn's character, which of course was an ad hominem rather than a response to his argument.
Victor, as I recall, suggested that WWIII began on 9/11/2001 which sounds about right (given we are talking about a conflict between Israel and its stooges (including the United States and NATO) against the civilized world (Russia, Iran, and China).

In this case (as so many others), the US appears to be on the wrong side of history.
Chuck Baldwin calls out the 60% Jewish and 100% Zionist senior administrative appointments Trump has been making, which support the inference that Trump wants to Make Israel Great Again rather than America.
We shall see; but the signs are more than mildly disconcerting.

Tom Cotton has introduced a measure to replace "West Bank" with "Judea and Samaria" to kowtow to Jewish preferences.

I don't like this one bit.
Trump has called for a ceasefire in Ukraine, when the Russias are taking them to the cleaners.

The foul stench of Sebastian Gorka leaves me dumbfounded, where he is making threats that are not only not going to affect Russia but diminish the standing of the United States in the eyes of the world.
What a colossally stupid appointment!
Phil Giraldi is so perplexed he asks,
"Who the hell is really in charge?"
Hamas suggests the charges Trump makes against it are more appropriately directed at Bibi Netanyahu, which means that the Trumpsters are ignorant of what's really going on.
Are you surprised?
Trump says the US ought to stay out of Syria (that "It's not our war!") but only because the Israeli side appears to be winning.
A little too transparent.
Assad has fled to Russia from Syria but the whole story has yet to be told.
Hugo and Brian have a major disagreement...near end. ~56 min
Q.: Who is more right? Your vote/opinion here is moat welcome.

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