Fuel-Free Generators. Energy of a Free Society

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Today, while the climate has not yet reached its destructive phase, we live in a state of constant energy shortage and are forced to pay for it. Essentially, we are paying for the mere ability to exist. The tools of this economic stranglehold are hydrocarbons, nuclear power, and hydropower. In the coming years, humanity will need far more energy than is currently produced! So, where can we find it?

The solution lies in the widespread adoption of fuel-free generators (FFGs).

If FFGs are implemented, they could revolutionize not only energy and transportation but also fundamentally change the course of human progress. Imagine having unlimited energy available anywhere on the planet — and without wires!

According to British professor and inventor John Searl:
“Everything in nature operates under strict patterns, but we don’t see them. We can’t see them because we’ve received a conventional education, which has blinded us. By filling our minds with stereotypes, we’ve lost the ability to marvel and seek answers with an open mind. We perceive reality not as it truly is, but as we’ve been taught to see it.”

This documentary is about a different perspective, about true reality, about brilliant scientists and their discoveries, about unconventional solutions to climate challenges through fuel-free generators, and about how FFGs work!

Today, we stand on the threshold of an evolutionary leap. This is a self-evident truth requiring no proof. The film "Fuel-Free Generators: Energy of a Free Society" marks the beginning of a new era, new horizons, new discoveries — and a new us!

Science #FFG #Technology #Facts #Energy

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