What is going on

2 months ago

We only thought things were crazy before. 😆 Things are starting to get really strange.
The orbs in my area of Massachusetts is getting more frequent. I have watched them for many years. Most times they were so far away. I could only make out. That they were moving lights. Without the blinking red and green lights a aircraft has. And doing maneuvers that aircraft can’t do.
This morning, yet again. One flew directly over my head. So again, I recorded it. Blow up the footage. And tried to sharpen it.
They do have alien invasion in there cards. And I believe most of the New Jersey (drones) are just drones to keep people off balance. But I know what I see has also amped up. And I will share any footage I personally take. They are not demons from the water. But for all I know. These orbs could be anything. I lean towards galactic federation to space force. But I do NOT sense they are bad in any way.
That’s my 2 cents on it. I’ve completely written off satellites. I think the truth is on its way.

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