Revenge – or preventive prosecution?

3 months ago

Revenge – or preventive prosecution?
By Terry A. Hurlbut
Since the reelection of President Donald Trump became undeniable, talk of a “Trump revenge tour” has dominated American news commentary. Some of this talk is human nature – after all, revenge is a classic literary trope. But in the case of Donald Trump’s particular enemies, the prosecution of them would be more than revenge. Beyond accountability being a cement for civilized society, those enemies destroyed lives and liberties beyond Trump. Sending them to prison, or at least disqualifying them from holding any further office of honor, trust or profit under the United States or any State, would prevent their destroying any more lives.
Fears of revenge – and attempts to forestall it
On December 1, President Joe Biden pardoned his son Hunter – and was really forestalling any investigation of himself. In his pardon statement, Biden ridiculously claimed that the prosecution of his son had a political motive. That, of course, is projection – for everything Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice has done, has been political.
Days afterward, Biden teased up preemptive pardons for former Rep. Liz Cheney (RINO-Wyo.), Senator-elect Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Anthony Fauci, M.D., and many others who might, or might not, appear on this list of “Trump targets” from Politico. Trump’s nomination of Kash Patel to direct the FBI prompted this talk, as did some other “Wild Bunch” appointments. Some Democrats in Congress actually favor that. Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), “Massachusetts’ other Senator,” said as much to Boston Brahmin TV station WGBH (Channel 2, PBS). He even said it half a week before the Hunter pardon.
If it’s clear by January 19th that [revenge] is his intention, then I would recommend to President Biden that he provide those preemptive pardons to people, because that’s really what our country is going to need next year.
Sen. Ma(la)rkey spoke of the “healing” that Gerald R. Ford’s “full, free and absolute pardon of Richard Nixon” allowed. This is a far cry from how Democrats took the Nixon pardon when it came. They ran against Ford two years later, citing the Nixon pardon as their primary reason.
Likewise, Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.) said:
This is no hypothetical threat. The time for cautious restraint is over. We must act with urgency to push back against these threats and prevent Trump from abusing his power.
But Sen.-elect Schiff is not so sure, and called any such pardons “defensive and unnecessary.” He knows that a preemptive pardon presents an appearance of wrongdoing. But his attitude might merely reflect his arrogant, self-righteous conviction that nothing he did was wrong.
Lawyering up at Justice
Less than two weeks after the election, several “current and former senior Justice Department and FBI officials” started lawyering up. This actually happened when Trump first nominated former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) for Attorney General. Even before then, apparently several career officials at DOJ wept on the strength of the election. To them, it meant that “large numbers of Americans” believed Trump on the ideological corruption at Justice. (Trump still stands 2.29 million votes ahead of Vice-President Kamala Harris in the popular vote.)
(Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has that nomination now. Gaetz, now resigned from Congress, will shortly have his own show on One America News Network.)
One anonymous former official insisted that
Everything we did was aboveboard. But this is a different world.
Those languishing in prison for having the bad sense to get too close to a false-flag pseudo-operation on January 6, 2021, would beg to differ.
In fact, journalists on the left predicted a Trump “revenge term” more than a year ago. Tellingly, one thing they feared even more than prosecutions of corrupt judges, lawyers, and legislators, was the prospect of pardons for those caught in the January 6 toils. Do those people actually fear that such a pardon would also be a hunting license – open season on them? Or might they fear that those people know things they are eager to tell, about how the FBI set that event up? That might not embarrass them directly, but it would destroy every prospect of the socialist revolution they (the journalists) have always wanted to see.
Not revenge, but prevention
In fact, as John L. Kachelman, Jr. says at The Gateway Pundit, revenge is not the right word. Kachelman prefers a different word: retribution – with this distinction. Revenge is the act, just or not, of a resentful person who might – or more likely, not – have good cause. Retribution is the just act of society itself. By this act, society ensures that evil has a direct consequence, beyond “things not working out” as the evildoer intended.
But even Trump himself doesn’t prefer the word retribution. He’ll satisfy himself by seeing America return to a prosperity his enemies tried to destroy. They sought that because they have a different vision of what America might be and ought to be.
But more is at stake than the bare fact of those two competing visions. Lay aside that the left’s vision is a horrible vision, that the American people rightly rejected last month. We deal here with actual, actionable injuries in fact, traceable to the conduct of Trump’s listed enemies. Injuries that those doing them, could repeat if society allows it.
The wrong acts at issue
Start with former Rep. Cheney, one of two “token Republicans” on the House January 6 Committee. We now know that Donald Trump authorized at least 10,000 National Guardsmen – enough for an infantry division – to guard the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Did Trump know that elements of the FBI were planning to stage a riot, or provoke a crowd into it? Maybe not, but he knew he would have 100,000 people in Washington who resented the election outcome. So he authorized those troops to stand by in case things got out of hand. Of course, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Speaker of the House, turned him down. Rep. Cheney suppressed the evidence that Trump had signed any such authorization.
Then-Rep. Adam Schiff played a key role in promoting the false notion that Trump was some kind of “Manchurian Candidate.” No one has ever come to account for that particular fraud.
Anthony S. Fauci has been a scientific plagiarist and patent troll throughout his career. Indeed he represents everything wrong with organized medicine in America today. Perhaps Abraham Flexner, M.D., would tear up his namesake Report that paved the way for academic medicine as we now know it, had anyone warned him that his medical schools would produce an Anthony Fauci.
But that’s not why Anthony Fauci rates prosecution. He rates that because he created New Variant Coronavirus, through gain-of-function research at his direction. That, in fact, makes him guilty of mass murder.
Other bad acts
Next, consider Attorney General Garland, Special Counsel Jack Smith, and FBI Director Christopher Wray. Garland had no business appointing Smith – as Judge Aileen M. Cannon has written. Garland ordered the Mar-A-Lago Raid, which the FBI carried out. Wray held the FBI Directorship on January 6, 2021 – and by any reasonable indication, he set that up. (Nancy Pelosi has owned turning down the National Guard. But she did not recruit Ray Epps, nor salt the crowd with federal agents provocateurs.)
President Biden, of course, made that God-awful Speech on September 2, 2022, weeks after the raid. In that Speech he confirmed that the January 6 Committee exists to write bills of attainder and an ex post facto law against not only Trump but all who voted for him. Those who today accuse Trump of wanting to jail his opposing voters, have carried projection to a high art.
This is why Trump must undertake, not retribution, but preventive maintenance. For the enemies who wronged him, wronged all of us. And they will do so again, unless someone takes effectual means to make sure they can never do this again.
This doesn’t necessarily require incarceration (though for some it might). It does require disqualifying them from ever again holding office of honor, trust or profit under the United States or any State. That disqualification will require some kind of formal inquiry process – and could require criminal trials.
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