
2 months ago

Sometimes it is a cray-cray time in our world and in our lives. So very tiring, the bustle-hustle is the step of exhausted people. Did you notice that exhausted bustle-hustle people are the ones that emotionally throw up on other people. Do exhausted people hurt people? They do! Our culture has been a bit topsy-turvy for a very long season of time. Times have changed where we work longer hours and it is expected that the work week is not just 40 hours, but much longer. Our employers pay for 40 hours but expect many more hours of work.

This season of life feels like we are hustling all the time. I call it the bustle-hustle or the hustle bustle of the season. But truly, our culture has really stepped up in the busy-busy life where everyone runs on exhaustion mode. Do we even remember how to rest our body and soul? This is definitely a time and season where we need to change things up. I remember years ago, we had time off, but now it is working 60-80 hours a week and it is difficult to break free of that pattern of way too much on our life plate!

The Bustle-Hustle has taken over our families and created a pattern of go, go, go… we need to readjust, make some time, for soul time with God. What if we made time in our schedule for rest and soul replenishment. I am thinking we would be healthier body, soul and spirit!

It seems kind of funny that we would have to schedule in rest! Human beings, we have way too much on our plate, and that is why so many people are doing the “crashing and burning” thing where their soul just gives out and emotionally crashes… and it is not pretty!

Why not this season of time, make some time for a soul connection with God, a vital-vertical touch from your heart to God’s heart and let Him renovate your soul, revive you with new strength. It is time to involve God in our schedule, truly, time belongs to Him, we should give it all back and let God navigate us by His Holy Spirit. Let God Work! I can testify that I have done this. I ask God before I put something on my plate, I have down time in my weekly schedule, and I feel like as my life has been redirected to not by my might, nor my direction, nor my power but His… that I have accomplished more than I ever hoped or dreamed possible. Isn’t that a paradox??? Less time needed, more output gained.

Try it, let go and let God maintain your schedule, your strength, your soul, and it will be well with us. Why not step out of bed each day and connect heart to heart with God, ask His Holy Spirit to navigate your day. I am thinking an easy way to remember it, is our first step out is down, bowed before God in thanksgiving for a new day and yielding our time for this day back to Him.

Yes, It is a good day to yield to God. Y.es I. Embrace. L.ordship D.aily! How about you? Give it a try. Yield! Turn over the Bustle-Hustle of life to God, let be and let God work in You, for You and through You. You will be amazed at the results! God bless ya.

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