Verdi: I Lombardi alla prima crociata | Carreras, Dimitrova, Carroli - Gavazzeni (La Scala 1984)

2 months ago

Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Librettist: Temistocle Solera
Premiere: 11 February 1843, Milan (La Scala)
Language: Italian
Subtitles: English, German, Spanish (Click on CC)

I Lombardi alla Prima Crociata (The Lombards on the First Crusade) is an operatic dramma lirico in four acts by Giuseppe Verdi to an Italian libretto by Temistocle Solera, based on an epic poem by Tommaso Grossi. Its first performance was given at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan on 11 February 1843. Verdi dedicated the score to Maria Luigia, the Habsburg Duchess of Parma, who died a few weeks after the premiere.

Verdi was commissioned to write I Lombardi as a direct result of the success of Nabucco the year before. It was first produced at La Scala, Milan, at a time when Verdi was becoming increasingly popular both in Italy and abroad.

The Opera is set at the time of the the first Crusade and tells of the rivalry of two brothers, Arvino and Pagano, for the love or Viclinda. Pagano in an attempt to abduct Viclinda and kill his brother, in error murder his father. He is exiled to te Holy Land to live as a hermit. Giselda, Arvino's daughter, has gone with her father on the Crusade, but is captured by Acciano, tyrant of Antioch. She falls in love with his son Oronte. They escape, but Oronte is wounded and dies. The hermit leads the attack on Jerusalem and then reveals his identity to Arvino, dying forgiven in his brother's arms.

Cast & Production:
Oronte: José Carreras
Giselda: Gena Dimitrova
Pagano: Silvano Carroli
Arvino: Carlo Bini
Viclinda: Luisa Vannini
Pirro: Luigi Roni
Priore: Gianfranco Manganotti
Acciano: Giovanni Foiani
Sofia: Laura Bocca

Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan
Conductor: Gianandrea Gavazzeni

Producer: Gabriele Lavia
Set Designer: Giovanni Lavia
Costume Designer: Andrea Viotti
Directed for video by Brian Large

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