The VOICE of GOD spoke to me - and it changed me forever! ♥️

3 months ago

A few days ago I recorded one of the most POWERFUL Podcast Episodes yet. It’s about the VOICE OF GOD that channeled in with a very important message, a ROYALTY CODE, that many of us need at this time of our Soul’s Ascension 💕

The Voice of God has been coming in through major milestones of our Spiritual path over the past 10 years, at key turning points, guiding us and keeping us attuned to our highest timelines as part of our Divine Mission.

It comes in to remind us of the Enormity of our Divine Mission, and is the guiding force that keeps us on track and on Schedule 🙂 The stakes are huge, and we aint messin' around!

I was overcome with tears of Gratitude when Father gave me this Code. This is something all Fathers should do for their beautiful daughters and yet most do the opposite!

Listen to the full episode called "The Voice of GOD Spoke to me, and it has changed my life forever - The Royalty Code of Purity ❤" at

With Love,

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