MasterPeace Lies/Liars Face Litigation World Will Witness Truth

2 months ago

We address lies and slander occurring against Truth
MasterPeace and all involved do not fear ignorant people - We stand in truth and the world will bear witness.

Our world is under attack on every level and many of these so called substack promoters of lies feel they can write whatever they wish without consequences.

MasterPeace stands on a mountain of verifiable studies and results.

It has been attacked by the corrupt medical system that the people finally see is corrupt to the core.

Only a fool goes to a doctor who are educated beyong their intelligence in health and healing only glorified drug pushers for medical system called Big Harma.

MasterPeace will now address in the light for everyone to see what is true and what is outright lies being spewed by handful of people.

This is just one required fight for our world to understand how to help and take control of our own health outside of mass ignorance of Doctors world wide.

God Bless and God Speed

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