3 months ago

WHY ARE YOU LYING? YOUR ANTENNA TELLS YOUR STORY. What seas? Fresh water, lakes, rivers. NOT SEAWATER. oh, i know. You are not sun and moon. Just sun and many others lack both. Like plants u intake sunlight. You hair is not gamma rays. So, who are you communicating with whites? Lower lights, Djinns and demons disembodied souls. Look, u entities are liars and huge part of the population follows you. All will go with you too. Why are you acting like you are saints when you are stepping on my NUBIANS necks? U will never fool me. I see thru your con games. What is going on here looks to me like MKUltra. Mind control at a mass scale. My opinion of course that i am intitled to have. I am NOMMO sickle cell blood trait, moon crescent is the seal in my blood, My blood mutates to keep invaders out. I am the Hadron Cell. LORD OF THE SUN'S RAYS, RINGS I TURN. I BRING IN JUDGEMENT. The seals broken is this. Why are you white entities lying? Why are you not making changes in here in regards to racism? How can you jump to being holy when your hate towards others is massive? U hate for tint hue. You are creators of suffering. I will never believe anything out your mouths. Your actions showed me who you are. YOU CANNOT FLAG ME ON MY IDENTITY NOR INTIGRITY. WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME ABOUT ME? YOUR SCIENCE CALL ME A DISEASE. REALLY? WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FROM? I CAN SUE YOUR SCIENCE DEPARTMENT 4 REPORTING LIES ABOUT MY BLOODLINE. I AM PROOF THAT YOU ARE LIARS. WHAT GALATIC FEDERATION? Really? I communicate with others thru the sun's rays. It is a telephone. U gonna call me a liar on that too when i communicate thru it. U flag anything that doesn't fit your agenda. Flagging does not make your lies truth, and my truth lies. I am not going anywhere. Your lies will fall on you like a tower of bricks.

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