Your Tax Dollars At Work – The Funding of Ukrainian Satanic Molech Worship

30 days ago

When this whole stinking conflict escalated a couple of years ago with the Russian invasion of Ukraine many Well-meaning Christians and even unbelievers took the side of Ukraine stating that they were a poor people that have been and still are under the oppression of the Russian Empire. Some of us who look at things deeply and don’t jump onto the bandwagon of worldly opinion knew that the real culprit was the government of Ukraine itself many of whom are modern Nazis. It is no secret has not been a secret that Ukraine has been a major European hub for the kidnapping and selling of children to pedophiles and that they were also killing many of these children to supply bodily organs and adrenochrome to the rich and famous of this world. The sick bastards who are still frightened by worldly opinion have cast the blame of these atrocities on Russia and Russian military. Scripture says that the acts of evil people will not be hidden but brought out into the light and that is what’s happening these days. Today on opposing the matrix we will look to see what the sick and perverted deviates have been doing and I’m afraid to say that our tax dollars here in America have funded their activities. It also draws interest and question into what Biden has been doing by sending hundreds of billions of dollars to the sick bastards in Ukraine. They will pay for their crimes very soon but when you look at it you have to admit that even execution is too good for these satanic bastards. Today we will look at their actions. Warning, this stuff is kind of hard to stomach so please use discretion as to whether you can handle seeing this information and even find it that might be bothersome then please elect not to watch. Okay I got to be worked on this thing

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