RACIRS Agents in Ukraine: Sabotage, Bloodshed and Anticult Plague

2 months ago


However, what did Jesus Christ teach? "You have heard that our ancestors were told, 'You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment'." (Matthew 5:21 NLT)

For anti-cultists in the church ranks, a man who calls for killing by God's will is superior to Jesus Christ Himself. This man is the one whose will an anti-cult agent will carry out when they are ordered to go and commit murder. A question arises: what does Christianity have to do with that, and who is actually the mouthpiece of God's will in the understanding of anti-cultists? Only ROC hierarchs may be those mouthpieces because all other religious organizations aren't Orthodox Christian, thus not being authentic as anti-cultists like to repeat.

Here's another quote by St. John Chrysostom from the Homily IV "Against the Jews": "The man who struck the prophet was saved; the one who spared the prophet was punished. Why? That you may learn that, when God commands, you must not question too much the nature of the action; you have only to obey." Yet, the will of which god must be obeyed in this case if it implies violation of one of God's main commandments: "Do not kill!"?

It is worth immediately delving into several pages of the website ukrsekta.info 9 where you can trace how members of AUAC execute some of the instructions from RACIRS manuals. For instance, on November 24-25, 2011, a round table "Orthodoxy in Ukraine: Relevance of Modern Apologetics" was held. On March 3, 2012, the documents 10 adopted at the round table were sent to UOC Episcopate and the public, to be more precise: to all UOC dioceses, as well as to the President of Ukraine, members of the Ukrainian Parliament and executive authorities.

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