Replacement Theology, Part 1

2 months ago

Did the Church Replace Israel? NO! There comes a time to call out wrong theology, especially when it is so absolutely wrong. Replacement Theology is such a theology. Replacement theology (supersessionism
- to supersede - one thing being replaced or supplanted by another) "teaches that the people of Israel have forfeited their special status as the chosen people of God, and their replacement is the
Church. The Church, then, is the new true Israel." Sure, that was easy to say after Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jewish people were dispersed in A.D. 70 and 135. But Replacement Theology was totally blown out of the water when the Jewish people began returning home in the late 1800s and throughout the 1900s, and Israel became a nation in 1948, and the Jewish people took Jerusalem in 1967. Still it hangs on today and has contributed to Christian Anti-Semitism and the most horrendous persecution of the Jews over the last 2,000 years. Listen to Jay the Truth Barista and Amazing Larry discuss this crucial topic! | Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista |

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