Couples react: Depp vs Heard transcripts of the trial day 12 (part 2)

2 months ago

Hey Everyone,

Since we are firmly stuck in this rabbit hole of Heard vs Depp, we have reacted to the 2022 Defamation Case and the 2016 Testimony of Amber Heard, so why not react to the sidebars as well as anything else that was said when the mic/camera was off.

This video in particular, is day 12, part 2, of the trial focusing on the sidebars. If it wasn't clear by the video, we are not Heard fans, trying to keep it unbiased as possible but, geez.. it is TOUGH! I hope that you enjoy the video and have a lovely day!

Intro/Hearsay Email - 00:00
The Sun Article Objection - 05:22
Weird Sidebar - 11:31
Caselaw Sidebar/Outro - 17:50

Full Livestream of the trial Day 12:

Exhibits/Transcripts from 2022 defamation case:

#deppvsheard #fredzi1225 #reactionvideo

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