How To Fight Tyranny!

2 months ago

How do you fight back against tyranny and the judges violating your rights?

Many of you say to me, "oh there's nothing we can do!"

There sure is.
You just don't know how YET.
You can learn from those who actually do.

There are no other so called freedom guru's doing what we're doing.

Scott's knowledge will never be found in a book.

It's from his 25 years since graduating law school, of trial and error.

Who is he?

The FBI screwed with the wrong guy.
THEN he went to law school.

THEN he figured out oh this is statutes and procedures, but over here is the true law.

We're actually in Article III cases all over the country navigating the waters.

You know, these cases that the dopey BAR CARD attorneys say don't exist.🤡

@tamara_wenger is holding a class intro to Article III claims Thursday December 19th 6pm EST.

Do you know it's free to file an Article III claim?

Do you know that the judge you're suing CAN'T HIRE AN ATTORNEY to re-present him in Article III?

People ask to see our case numbers but there's nothing to see. Want to know why?


They can't afford for their crimes to be on the record in discovery.

Still think it's not possible?
Join https://Inalienable.University

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