Article 5161 Video - Dear Jeremy - Monday, December 9, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5161 Video - Dear Jeremy - Monday, December 9, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

It often amazes me how young people miss the point. This past week has seen a number of these near-misses, so I am replying to you directly. The recent article wasn't about Elon Musk. It was about Elon Musk's cat, and what cats teach us.

Frankly, I don't know how you missed that important distinction, but it's apparent that you did.

Maybe the name "Elon Musk" triggers you the way that the name "Donald Trump" triggers others? I don't know why the big emotional response comes forward, nor, for that matter, do I know why you assume that Musk is a "Satanist".

The assumption seems to be that anyone who amassed a billion dollars MUST be in The Club, but that isn't necessarily true. I know at least fifty billionaires who never drank the Kool-Aid, and never attended any sex-with-kids parties, either.

And yes, I am "sure" of that.

Often, in its zeal to demonize its enemies, the Armed Forces Cotillion has gone completely overboard and spun outrageous tales that nobody in their right mind should believe --- and that comes from someone who has had to deal with some taboo subjects that aren't popular and may be "unbelievable" to those who have been asleep for most of their lives.

During WWII, the Japanese were portrayed as cannibals. After WWII, the Germans were portrayed as genocidal monsters.

This came from men who were grinding up corpse-meat and calling it "SPAM" -- Special Provisioned American Meat, and who used photographs of German Prisoners of War starving to death and dying in the Rhineland Meadows to flesh out their tale of the great Nazi Holocaust.

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