Mainstream Media Religious Fervour for COVID-19 Vaccine

1 month ago

11/27/2024 Commenting on the relentless attacks on those who questioned the COVID-19 vaccine, Tucker Carlson said, ‘I've never seen this level of intolerance. It's as if anyone who raises questions is not just wrong or misinformed, but evil and deserving of death.’ Dr Mark Hyman agreed: ‘It's astounding. It's become a religion and you can't question it...’
#Vaccinedebate #TuckerCarlson #COVIDvaccine #COVID19 #MarkHyman
11/27/2024 对于质疑新冠疫苗者遭受的无情攻击,塔克·卡尔森表示:“我从未见过这种程度的不容忍。好像任何提出问题的人不仅是错误的或被误导的,而且是邪恶的、该死的。” 马克·海曼博士也表示同意:“这太令人震惊了。 它已经成为一种宗教,你不能质疑它...”
#疫苗争议 #塔克·卡尔森 #新冠疫苗 #新冠 #马克·海曼

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