Pay attention to how the UNITED STATES INC FOREIGN PEDO CORP AGENCIES PLAY YOU 28 USC 3002 proves it

21 days ago

THE USA INC IS THE BIGGEST RICO SCAM against AMOORICANS!!! Pay attention to how the UNITED STATES INC FOREIGN PEDO CORP AGENCIES PLAY YOU 28 USC 3002 proves it! IN this video, I show you what the LAW GROUP INC IS HIDING when they deny workers comp. Pay attention because everyone is covering for their brother/sister crimes against humanity!
You cannot make their game up. These people make 700 trillion dollars playing on our ignorance and those AWOKE especially the USA INC GENERALS AND THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX KNOWS IT! Don't let them distract you with their lies and games! Ask any top general to give you their oath or office and what happened in 1871 ref: KKK Organic Act then Ask them about General Pratt's USA INC RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS! Also study COL EDWARD NAZI HOUSE who worked for the ROTHSCHILDS. THE USA INC IS THE BIGGEST RICO SCAM and

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