MyShell Investigates Michelle Lee Pathological Liar!

2 months ago

You Can't Believe a word that comes out of Michelle's mouth.

Michelle does Not have Autism

Michelle is the one who contacted her kids via email and sent them a Fake Obituary that was written by herself. That email led her kids to finding JRODs videos and that's how her kids got contacted.

Michelle started the chain of events that led to her own kids getting in contact with JROD.

Michelle Lee MyShell Investigates is a Pathological Liar.

She never attended one class at WSU Vancouver. She only attended Lower Columbia Community College which is that hat she is wearing in this video and the fact is Michelle choose to slack off her class work and was forced to quit college. Nobody ruined anything but herself.

Michelle chooses to be a Tragedy Pimp Troll Low Life Cyber Bully Stalker Predator over getting her education.

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