MyShell Investigates Michelle Lee EVICTED! Noise Complaints Neighbors Fed Up!

2 months ago

Don't try to blame others Scally Wag. Here is a Receipt of you and JROD ruining your relationship with your own daughter. You are both to blame. Michelle sent her own kids and email with a Fake Obituary which in turn sent her kids looking and they found JROD. Which Led to what you are seeing Now.

However, Michelle the Scally Wag Skank Troll of Longview. The 49 year Old Failed Mother.

Michelle Tries to blame others for the fractured relationship with her daughter. When in reality the relationship was fractured long before Michelle came into Idaho 4 and True Crime.

Listen how Michelle blames her own daughter for trying to poison her.

JROD the whole time has Hannah on the other line. Michelle had a chance to speak and talk to her daughter for the first time in years and this is how she treated her?

No Wonder she hates your ass! No Wonder they want nothing to do with you.

BTW Look at this Dumpster Fire Michelle Lee.

Michelle, you Look like someone Oven Roasted her Skank Scally Wag Ass for 12 Hours and pulled her out Burnt!

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