The Jersey Drones - The Daily MoJo 121224

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December 12, 2024

The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.

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"The Jersey Drones"

A countdown to launch is followed by car care tips, including engine cleaning. The Justice Department settles a $250 million case against Backpage, which arose from safety concerns linked to Craigslist ads. Discussions cover the postal service's challenges and the DOJ's actions against Backpage. Political critiques emerge from the Daniel Penny trial, while Lancaster, California is promoted as a holiday spot. Concerns about drone sightings lead to public anxiety and criticism of government responses.

Phil Bell wraps up his series of Morning Updates from the Virginia Republicans Winter Advance.  HERE

Jeff Fisher - Host of Chewing The Fat podcast, is off today. We're sad.
Jeff Fisher Linktree

Brandon Morse - host of Brandon Morse Is A Brand Risk on the Rumble - has a fascinating take on Snow White!
Brandon's Linktree

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Be ready for anything from a hurricane to man-created stupidity (toilet paper shortage, anyone?). The tools and food storage you need to weather the storm.

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