UN - Tokenisation. NWO dates/timeline/religion.AI, mRNA Injections & 'Anti-Biotics' Avian Bird flu & Marburg, Disease X& the BIO - DIGITAL CONVERGENCE Gulags (depopulation)"

3 months ago

N.B. Dates are supplied/sourced by earthly institutions... Mirrored from ... at ... https://rumble.com/v5y957z-un-tokenisation.-nwo-dates-and-timeline.html?e9s=src_v1_upp ...... Featuring Gregory Mannarino (Wall Street), Alex Newman, Greg Reese, The BBC, Prince Charles (and below), Trump, Dr Heiko Schoning, Noah Yuval Harari, Liz Wheeler, Chris Sky, Brian Young & the WEF, Janine DuVall & Craig Bong, "Dr" Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus https://old.bitchute.com/video/E7gKs39vffV3/ & many more (Subjects, NWO 2025 and date timelines, bitcoin, crypto, tokenisation, bio-digital convergence, AI total control (full spectrum dominance & 5th generational warfare) depopulation, the carbon scam, gog and magog. War and end times. (also on Bitchute https://old.bitchute.com/video/ceTmWOlOoGkg/ )

Bitcoin 1 - 3 & Technocracy Nesera 1 - 5 https://old.bitchute.com/channel/QjV4YZhvvOSi/

Surgeon General for Florida Joseph Ladapo on Tucker Carlson https://rumble.com/v4ddzbi-bill-gates-confesses-to-misinformation-mrnadna-vaccinations-change-dnamaim-.html

The World is now a 'Securitised Tokenized Asset' & all people on it ? The Financial Meltdown Matrix https://old.bitchute.com/video/yjLU1JMIbKh1/

THE GREAT TAKING (David Rogers Webb ) CHD, CHILDREN'S HEALTH DEFENSE https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/videos/the-great-taking/

Prince Charles https://rumble.com/user/DavidJonesfilms ... and/or... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IpqoRPpvaI

JAMES DELLINGPOLE interviews (30.02.2024) David Rogers Webb r..e the Great Taking and its global end time scenario https://www.bitchute.com/video/pkgY5IO6mmKO/



From October 24 now being rolled out "Bank of England to press on with digital currency in case banks fall short, Bailey says" https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/bank-england-press-with-digital-currency-case-banks-fall-short-bailey-says-2024-10-26/

Gregory Mannarino channel https://www.youtube.com/@GregoryMannarino

Brian Young at HIGHIMPACTFLIX https://old.bitchute.com/channel/msOrGRqxxZ7S/

A BBC Special report on the 'Mark of the Beast' Crispr Cas 9, Woman's Ovaries & other target areas https://www.brighteon.com/9ba00ae0-cfd7-45e7-9302-9daef977d9a3

30 Million excess deaths, 1.5 Billion injured Globally via the experimental Gene therapy Trump shot https://rumble.com/v5ccxul-excess.html

Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism https://old.bitchute.com/video/mtwRK2w7TL3k/

PREPARATION FOR H5N1 IS UNDERWAY! July 2024 https://old.bitchute.com/video/XGKkNruyf25P/

PLANDEMIC 2! DISEASE X HAS FINALLY ARRIVED, IS THIS THE BLACK SWAN EVENT OF 2025 https://old.bitchute.com/video/Oofbz3cZKpgE/ ... & .... BITCOIN AND THE FUTURE OF FINANCIAL FREEDOM & Ecuador bitcoin ..Freedom or a Prison https://old.bitchute.com/video/JQ3vO4upK6CX/

Trumps Operation Warp Speed & the personal profits from vaccination murders. Bill Gates & Fachi https://old.bitchute.com/video/Ysmu61qTAoYP/

Super Soldiers, Human Augmentation,MOD armed forces. Great Reset 4th Ind Revolution. Agenda 21 - 30 https://rumble.com/v1j82jb-super-soldiers-human-augmentationmod-armed-forces.-great-reset-4th-ind-revo.html ... and also https://www.military.com/daily-news/opinions/2021/03/23/will-genomics-become-next-arena-of-china-us-military-competition.html ...and also https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a23457329/augmented-super-soldiers-reversible/ & https://www.bbc.com/news/world-55905354

Greg Reece "UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees" https://rumble.com/v4v1z8w-un-troops-being-brought-in-as-migrant-refugees.html?e9s=src_v1_upp

similarities in Egyptian hieroglyphs. Yet this face in side view lost its fuller face or outline and became just a half symbol like a reverse small r. ר and perhaps signifying mans fall or Adams fall from a full man into darkness. Yod or Yodh (also spelled Yod, or Yud) also has similarities with a reverse small r (although not today) י

If you put Rosh Vav and Ayn (or Ayin) together could be suggested as The God man who now loses his original light into the eye (Ayn) and in ancient welsh , Annwn, Annwfn, or Annwfyn referred to a land as the centre or ancient paradise.

The vav, waw (6) either as a reverse r or Y also in context brings together or fatsens and resembles a nail, joining heaven and earth as the nail in the crucifixion (or the 3 nails used for Jesus the saviour from the line of Jesse (or line of Iesse or Yesse) As the 10 tribes crossed the Caucasus from modern day Georgia and into eastern europe and into Germany and beyond, the pockets of tribes left as more moved on leaving the main group behind the pronunciation changed and the I and J and Y problem today appears. There are evidences of Semitic tribes in the caucus and Ukraine (who are not Japeth but Shem and Japeth is not 'european' with no connection to ancient Israel as of course all 12 tribes from Jacob are related to Noah )

The Megido Inscription or the Akeptous inscription of the 3 found relating to the worship of Jesus daing to 230 ad and before the Council of Nicea says "The Akeptous Inscription. The words “God Jesus Christ” appear at the end of the fifth line; they are abbreviated, as indicated by the line above the letters. ΘΩ = ΘΕΩ, Theos (“God”); ΙΥ = ΙΗΣΟΥ, Iēsou (“Jesus”); ΧΩ = ΧΡΙΣΤΩ, Christō (“Christ”). Photo by Vesafis Tzferris - www.cojs.org, Wikimedia Commons, November 25, 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0. has both an I and Y within in and can be read or viewed here or also here once more

Jesus in Genesis and every book and new test and revelations and in Passover and born in August

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