Mantenna - He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Cartoon Collection - Unboxing & Review

2 months ago

The final figure in this First She-Ra Anniversary Wave for Review in Mantenna, a character that done right should be one of the scariest MFers, but was relegated to Comic Relief.

Royalty Free Music from Mixkit
Techno Fest Feel Alejandro Magana
Comical by Ahjay Stelino

#mantenna #Horde #Evilhorde #theevilhorde #princessofpower #sheraprincessofpower #thegreatrebellion #themostpowerwomanintheuniverse #cartooncollection #mastersoftheuniverse #motu #motuorigins #mastersoftheuniverseorigins #mattel #castlegrayskull #motuo #heman #hemanandthemastersoftheuniverse #grayskull #Snakemountain #castlegrayskull

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