Ben Cline: We Must Stand Firm Against the CCP's Aggression and Protect Americans' Data

9 hours ago

12/11/2024 Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA) @RepBenCline: CCP is looking in our phone records, listening to the conversations, acquiring the metadata of Americans and many in Washington, including the Harris and the Trump campaigns. So we need the U.S. telecom companies to adopt certain standards that protect American consumers from CCP’s infiltration.
#ccp #infiltration #datacollection #telecomcompanies #cybersecurity #TikTok
12/11/2024 美国众议员本·克莱因:中共正在查看我们的电话记录、监听对话、获取美国人的元数据,包括许多华盛顿人士,比如贺锦丽和川普的竞选团队。因此,我们需要美国的电信公司采用某些标准来保护美国消费者免受中共的渗透。
#中共 #渗透 #数据收集 #电信公司 #网络安全 #抖音

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