Megyn Kelly: "It's a MAN posing as a WOMAN, I'm not calling this person a congresswoman"

2 months ago

Megyn Kelly: "Now I'm not calling this person a congresswoman. It's a man posing as a woman who just got elected to Congress. It's a man wearing a woman's dress and trying to look like a woman. And he wants us to call him she and her. It's a no, sir."

"This person is about to be sworn in and wants access to the bathroom Nancy Mace uses and that I would use if I were there visiting the people I know in Congress. And I'm sorry, but there's a place for you, sir. It's the men's bathroom. Get out. Get out of the women's bathroom and the women's spaces."

"You wanna do your thing and put on a costume that makes you look like me? I don't love it. I'm gonna be honest. I don't. I'm not 100% with the live and let live crowd. I'm really kinda not. I'm kind of offended by it to be perfectly honest, but I can't do anything about it. And that's life. A lot of people do things that I find kind of irritating."

"And I realized that this is in some large measure, a sickness that, you know, they don't have full control over. So, okay, I'm not gonna bully them and I'm not gonna be, you know, harass them when I see them, but I don't buy in. It's their delusion. It's not mine. I don't share it. I don't have to pretend I share it."

"My children will not be pretending they share it. They will not be forced to say she, her when it's a man. And... God help any teacher who tries to make them. So that's number one. But number two, now this person is on Capitol Hill and apparently would like to use the women's bathroom. And I'm sorry, the answer there is a no because the women's bathroom is for women and you're not one."

"And declaring yourself a trans woman, which means fake, fake woman, trans means fake, if you substitute fake in, you'll understand what everybody is saying, doesn't change that. Now, Nancy Mace introduces this resolution. I want to get the wording right because she submitted this and then she's changed it since to say, okay, it doesn't have to be legislation, but I want to at least a rule."

"It was a two page resolution to amend the rules of the US House that would prohibit anyone from using the single sex facilities there. that don't correspond to their biological sex. Can't use gender identity. Now it appears she's shifted a bit and said, I just wanna see my proposal reflected in the House rules package for the 119th Congress that's gonna get sworn in January."

"That makes more sense. That doesn't force everybody in Congress to vote on this thing. And it just says to Speaker Johnson, could you please take care of this by making it a rule, which makes perfect sense. and protects women that we don't have to fight over. Just make it a rule. This person, if he doesn't want to use the men's room, should use a gender neutral bathroom."

"And if there isn't a gender neutral bathroom, well, they should get one built before this person arrives. It's only November 20th. We've got plenty of time. You got plenty of taxpayer dollars to build a bathroom. It can't cost more than 30 grand. I mean, I could find you a contractor who will go and build you a bathroom, a stall that you can call gender neutral before January 6th, and this person can use it."

"Don't tell me you don't have it or you can't find the money for it. I'll donate it to you. You want 30 grand to build a fucking gender neutral bathroom? I'll give it to you to keep this man out of the women's space. It is ridiculous that people like Nancy Mace and others have to fight for this. This should have been handled long ago before this person even got to Congress."

"It should have been in the rules package. I realized we weren't thinking about it, but you should have been. Now's your chance. Now it looks more provocative because you're doing it in response to one person who declares themselves a trans woman arriving."

"So it looks targeted. I don't, I don't care. I don't care. That's your problem. You can deal with the upset that's caused some loons on the left on your own time. But what needs to happen now is. This man needs to be kept out of the women's space. Period."

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